12 world-class restaurants to visit in 2008


Throughout history, food has played a role in the way the world works. Kings and emperors used to take pride in their cuisines, and exotic food prepared by the world’s best chefs was worth as much as a treasure.

A look at the two-volume compilation “The Cambridge World History of Food” shows how mankind developed exotic tastes, how spices were traded like gold, and more. The volumes are standard references throughout the world for social scientists, economists, nutritionists, and gourmets. A website http://www.foodtimeline.org/ has a wonderful food timeline showing that fish, eggs, and mushrooms were eaten before 17,000 B.C. C. and that bread, beer and soup were part of the diet as far back as 10,000 BCE.

The modern world is running on its stomach as well, and restaurants around the world compete for “best restaurant” status. If S Pellegrino puts a restaurant on its “World’s 50 Best Restaurants” list, then it’s like winning an honor and an award. Each year’s list is compiled by the Nespresso World’s 50 Best Academy, which consists of food writers, critics, editors and commentators from around the world.

So if you’re a foodie and world traveler, here are some restaurants you might want to try on the included 2007 list:

1. El Bulli from Spain voted Best Restaurant in the World in Europe.

2. The Fat Duck in the UK, which was the chefs’ choice.

3. Pierre Gagnaire in France.

4. The French Laundry in the US awarded as the Best in the Americas.

5. Tetsuya’s in Australia was awarded the best in Australasia.

6. Bras in France.

7. Mugaritz in Spain.

8. The Louis XV in Monaco.

9. Per Se in the US

10. Arzak in Spain.

11. El Celler de Can Roca in Spain.

12. Gamero Rosso in Italy.

It’s about taking quality to new heights. Detailed information on the world’s best restaurants and past lists can be viewed at [http://www.theworlds50best.com/index.html] Chefs, food critics and aficionados from around the world flock to London for awards shows each year. In a global world more and more people are expanding their minds and trying the cuisine of other cultures and nations.

The World Wide Web is bursting with information on cooking, cooking, wine, and dining options and trends. So if you want to be on trend and know what to eat, which wine to select and more, open your mind to new experiences and educate yourself in all directions using the knowledge highway that the internet has become.

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