10 easy tricks to stop food cravings


Can’t seem to stop the food cravings? Putting an end to your food cravings can cause you to reduce your calorie intake, leading to weight loss. Here are some tricks to stop your cravings.

  1. Avoid whatever triggers your cravings. Get rid of your old cravings for unhealthy foods. That’s how it is. You have to start and strengthen the cravings for healthier foods. Just change the foods you eat. The hard part is during the first few days when you may not be able to completely get rid of your previous eating habits. Prepare to eat fresh fruits whenever you feel like eating. This is a real plus if you really want to eat something.
  2. Banish temptations. Have you just succumbed to eating a box of cookies immediately after feeling the urge? And if you feel bad eating that temptation, destroy it! Simply throwing it away will not be enough. You can put it under running water and ruin it. Licking your binge will make you feel a sense of accomplishment. Stop thinking about the money you’ve spent on it. Would you rather me enlarge your hips?
  3. Eat nuts. Drink a couple of glasses of water and chew on 1 ounce of nuts, particularly 20 peanuts or 12 almonds and 6 walnuts. Wait 20 minutes and these chows are sure to kill your cravings. It changes your body chemistry, which curbs your appetite.
  4. Drink coffee instead. Any time you feel like grabbing and gorging on a candy bar, why not grab some coffee? Although caffeine won’t satisfy your cravings, it will satisfy your appetite. Isn’t coffee so rich and warm that it distracts you from (overeating) eating?
  5. Deal with stress. When you’re tense and stressed, don’t you feel like eating? In this case, you have to look for ways to manage and relieve stress. Buy an audio guide to relax from stress or take a deep breath. Try the visualization too.
  6. Revive yourself by taking a nap. In fact, you will have stronger food cravings when you are tired, so do something to recover from fatigue. Go to your room and take a power nap.
  7. Brush your teeth and feel like mint. Also gargle with mouthwash. You will feel that you do not want to spoil a clean and fresh mouth. That is why you are bound not to give in to your food cravings.
  8. Change your approach. Do you feel the need to eat only ice cream? It is a sign of desire for food, not hunger. And you know what? Food cravings just last 10 minutes. Divert your attention for that period of time and you will end up forgetting it. Call a friend or turn on the radio. Exercise, meditate, or run an errand. Do something to distract yourself.
  9. Give in to your cravings, but set some limits. From time to time you can satisfy your desire to eat. So eat that ice cream, but buy a small cone instead of a pint. Are chocolates what you want to chew so much? Get a 100 calorie candy bar. Cookies? Grab has a 100-calorie snack pack. After treating yourself, go for a walk for 15 minutes. It’s enough to burn off the 100 calories you’ve gobbled up.
  10. Plan your diet or avoid unfavorable places. Take a different route so you don’t have to stop by the pizzeria or bakery. If you have a birthday party to attend and you’ll inevitably be faced with a delicious cake, eat enough so you don’t go overboard on your calorie intake.

These smart and easy hacks can help you stop food cravings.

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