Four great ways to get turned on and kill yourself by the horns!


Many people in life never have a really strong desire to do the things that will bring them to the top of the heap. Here are four ways to put motivation in your life right now

“Build success from failure. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” Dale Carnegie 1888-1955

Most of the people living on this planet right now feel depressed because they don’t enjoy the good things in life that they see on television every day. One of the main reasons they are failures in life is not because they tried to achieve big goals and failed. No, these people went to college, got a degree in dance or theater, and then started working at Starbucks to pay their tuition fees. Five years later, they become managers at Starbucks and never again think about becoming professional dancers or paid actors. They tried to get jobs that reflected their college degrees for two years, and when nothing happened, they took the bullet and got a “real job.”

These are the people you hear complaining about how Donald Trump and Paris Hilton are living the life they should have, rather than being managers at Starbucks. They lost that fire in life that every successful business person or celebrity has burning in them at all times. They don’t understand what Dale Carnegie knew: not only do you have to learn from your failures and disappointments in life, you actually NEED them to be successful!
The following examples are ways you can make sure you retain that fire in life or show you how you can cultivate that burning desire to do the things in life that will motivate you to be a truly successful person.

1. PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS As long as you’ve set realistic goals that you really want to achieve in life, this is one of the most important ways to make sure you really want that goal. Specifically, it is a technique that requires you to take the greatest risk of your life, no matter what the outcome is. Here are some really good examples: You just started your own business five months ago, but you haven’t quit your job yet because you love getting that measly paycheck every week for a “backup plan” in case your business don’t accept off. Guess what? Your business won’t take off anyway because you’re so weak in your commitment to your own business that you spend more time on your “real job” than on your freelance business. A big mistake!

You have to put your money where your mouth is and quit that job soon! It sounds risky, and it definitely is, but it will bring out your true motivation to reach a level of profit in your new business where you will not need any other income. If you have to mortgage your home, DO IT! If you have to maximize your credit cards for the next few months and live off cash advances: DO IT! Nothing good in life comes without making certain sacrifices, and starting your own business or trying to become a paid actor or freelance writer is no exception to that rule. Remember this: the people who risk it all are the real winners because even if they lose, they win back their losses and get back on the horse. The average person never takes chances, so next time you go to Starbucks for coffee, say hello for me.

2 FEED YOUR MIND WITH ENCOURAGING INFORMATION EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK No matter what your elusive goal is, you must constantly motivate yourself with audiobooks, seminars, websites, and magazines that teach you specific ways to achieve that goal. If you want to be an actor, take an acting class, if you want to be an author, buy three writing manuals from Every day you should fill your mind with inspiring speeches from people who are experts in your field of activity, no matter how you would like to receive those messages. Buy books from authors like Dale Carnegie and Deepak Chopra who can really put the value of true motivation in black and white terminology. It doesn’t matter if you just want to lose weight or quit smoking, having access to a daily dose of learning tools and motivational information is an important step in fueling the fire in your stomach.

3. TURN ALL THE NEGATIVE ENERGY IN YOUR LIFE TO POSITIVE ENERGY Has your mood ever changed from a decent and funny attitude to a deep and dark mood instantly because of that news you saw on NBC about the genocide in Darfur , or an article you read about a killer tornado that swept through a small town in Kansas in the local newspaper? The media make their fortune by spreading all possible bad news to all media known to man. Stop watching the nightly web news about how many soldiers died in Iraq today, or how global warming will kill us all ten years from now. Television networks know that salacious and negative news is what most of the general public eats with a spoon. Don’t be the average citizen on the street. Turn off negative news every time you start to get depressed about watching it. This tactic does not mean that you have to stick your head in the sand like an ostrich, it is just a valuable technique that allows you to cultivate a more positive flow of energy that will allow you to overcome the difficulties that come with the struggle to achieve your goals. , which gives you more determination to succeed.

The different ways to get that positive energy flowing to you on a daily basis are many. One of those ways is to make sure your entertainment isn’t filled with negative images one hundred percent of the time. War movies and extreme horror movies like “Hostel” and “The Devil’s Reject’s”, while very enjoyable on their own terms, are the kind of movies that will leave you with a dark look at life after you leave. movie theater or turn off the DVD Player. I’d say you shouldn’t watch more than one extremely gory war or horror movie per week. It may seem like I’m not a fan of horror or war movies, but I sure am. It’s just that if you watch these movies on a daily basis, there is no doubt that they will have a negative emotional impact on your psyche.

Another surefire way to get to a really positive point in your life is to do the things you really enjoy without thinking about the cost, like seeing a concert you’re really looking forward to or spending time with family members you haven’t seen. in years. Another way is to clean up your messy office or bedroom and file your bills in a more efficient filing system than the trash bin they are currently in, it will bring a feeling of a more improved structure to your life. That more structured environment brings a sense of satisfaction to your overall demeanor, giving you that flow of positive energy that is vitally necessary for your ultimate success in life.

4 DON’T BE DELAY ANOTHER DAY TO REACH THAT CHALLENGING GOAL Once again, I’m saving the best motivational tool for last. A good example of what I am describing would be examining what would be the best outcome for someone trying to quit smoking. The answer would be that the person definitely stops, right? That being the case, the person who really wants to quit smoking does one thing: as soon as he decides to quit, he takes all the cigarettes in his possession and throws them away and never buys or smokes another one again. Quitting “cold turkey” has been shown to be the best way to quit, and you should do the same no matter what your goal is.

A physical action in your life is the main catalyst that will eventually lead you to your goal. Without physical movement on your part to lose weight, for example, you will simply sit on the couch and continue to eat M & M’s while watching TV shows like “Oprah” for the rest of your life. How much weight do you think you will lose at that rate? You will probably be dead from heart failure before your fiftieth birthday if you are lucky. So do something physically right now that brings you one step closer to the proverbial dream goal in your life. You won’t regret having done it!

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