Energy saving solutions for the home


There are so many ways to save energy in your home that you didn’t even know they were possible. It doesn’t take much effort to save hundreds for yourself and your family if you pay attention to detail and are willing to make a small investment.

Of course, you know how to turn off the light when you leave the room. You can save a large percentage on your electricity bill simply by turning off the lights. But did you know that if you get energy efficient lamps and light bulbs, you can have a surprisingly low bill?

If you read at night in bed, use a book light instead of the lamp that illuminates the entire room. It will save your partner the hassle of not being able to sleep and save even more money on your electricity bill.

Other things like opening your windows at night before going to bed and closing them during the day when you wake up and then closing the blinds on very hot days will save you energy. You will have to run your air conditioner much less. Why spend more when you don’t have to?

Turn on the water less forcefully when you shower. Doing so will save you on your water bill AND your heating bill too. Whether you have an electric water heating tank or a gas heater, you can save money. You can also go the extra mile and set a timer so you are there for less time.

Of course, there is also an investment that you can always splurge on. If you feel like it’s always too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter even though your air system is blowing, you probably have an insulation problem. Most insulation problems come from the attic. So if you only insulate the roof inside and out, you will definitely spend a lot less on your heating and cooling bills.

Saving on energy bills not only saves you a lot of money throughout the year, it is a great gesture to do your part to save our dying planet. Whether you’re using the low setting on your dimmer switch or making an effort to open the refrigerator less, every little detail counts for you and everyone else in the saving process.

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