Choose a pet


Among the great joys of life, one of them would be living with an animal of another species. One of the disadvantages of owning a pet is that an animal requires time, attention, and money. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals suggests that you consider the following questions before adopting a pet.

  1. Are you willing to take care of the animal throughout its life?
  2. Will you give your pet love and attention when he needs it, and not just when it suits him?
  3. Can you afford the cost of food, grooming, and regular veterinary care, including vaccinations and annual checkups?
  4. Will you see your pet getting regular daily exercise?
  5. If your pet is a dog, are you ready to educate and train your pet in basic obedience? Will you license it and obey the leash law?

When considering the type of animal you might adopt as a pet, consult all members of the family, including other pets. If you are considering adopting another dog, take the dog that is already a member of your family to visit the prospective adoptee to see how the two animals get along. Older cats will often more readily accept a kitten than another adult cat.

Find out how big the breed of dog you choose will be when it matures. If you live in a home with a large, fenced yard, you can have any dog ​​or pet of your choice that is allowed by your city’s zoning laws. But if you live in a small apartment, you may want to choose small, quiet pets that don’t need as much room for “elbows” or for wagging their tails.

Add up the costs of owning a pet.

Pets should not be treated as just gifted stuffed toys / gifts. You must take responsibility for them and establish a binding relationship. Children under the age of three should not receive any small animals as pets. Many pet death incidents can be attributed to children so young that they unintentionally ‘love’ them (too much).

Consider adopting an animal from a shelter (research / find places like ‘Animal Shelter, Humane Society, or Animal Control’). There are many types of animals to choose from, including puppies and kittens, and older pets that may already be domesticated or obedience trained. Most of these shelters attempt to match people and animals and almost all require that the animals be spayed or neutered as a condition of adoption.

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